A2019-01 | Article 30 | Unlike the former UIC Leaflet 433, which served as a basis for wagon registration contracts and the former RIV 2000 (article 93), the GCU doesn't contain any provision regarding the right of a creditor to charge interest on a late paying debtor.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2019
End of voting period:30.09.2019
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2019
Entering into force:01.01.2020 |  |
A2019-02 | Appendix 10, Annex 6, introductory text | Specification of the basic information required when providing
information on coded interventions.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2019
End of voting period:30.09.2019
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2019
Entering into force:01.01.2020 |  |
A2019-03 | Appendix 10, point 1.1.2 | Insertion of a permissible difference of a maximum of 2 mm for measurement of the distance between inner faces in 1.1.2.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2019
End of voting period:30.09.2019
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2019
Entering into force:01.01.2020 |  |
A2019-04 | Appendix 10, points 2.5.1 and 2.5.2 | Comparison between measurements from Appendix 9 and Appendix 10
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2019
End of voting period:30.09.2019
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2019
Entering into force:01.01.2020 |  |
A2019-05 | Appendix 10, point 3.17 | Abolishment of compulsory inspection of the condition of brake couplings
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2019
End of voting period:30.09.2019
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2019
Entering into force:01.01.2020 |  |
A2019-06 | Appendix 10, point 3.7 | Abolishment of compulsory inspection of the condition of cast iron blocks
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2019
End of voting period:30.09.2019
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2019
Entering into force:01.01.2020 |  |
A2019-07 | Appendix 10, point 3.8 | Abolishment of compulsory inspection of the condition of composite brake blocks
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2019
End of voting period:30.09.2019
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2019
Entering into force:01.01.2020 |  |
A2019-08 | Appendix 10, point 4.19 and Annex 6 (new CU code) | Supplement to 4.19 in accordance with codes and of GCU Appendix 9
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2019
End of voting period:30.09.2019
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2019
Entering into force:01.01.2020 |  |
A2019-09 | Appendix 10, point 5.3 | Abolishment of compulsory inspection of buffer attachment
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2019
End of voting period:30.09.2019
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2019
Entering into force:01.01.2020 |  |
A2019-10 | Appendix 10, point 5.6.1 | Clarification that only a visual inspection - without cleaning the buffers - is required when inspecting grooves on the buffer casing/plunger.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2019
End of voting period:30.09.2019
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2019
Entering into force:01.01.2020 |  |
A2019-11 | Appendix 10, points 5.9.1 and 5.9.2 | Amendment to GCU Appendix 9
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2019
End of voting period:30.09.2019
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2019
Entering into force:01.01.2020 |  |
A2019-12 | Appendix 10, point 6.39 and Annex 6 (new CU codes) | Defective tarpaulins are mentioned in Appendix 9, but the corresponding measures to be taken are not provided in Appendix 10.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2019
End of voting period:30.09.2019
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2019
Entering into force:01.01.2020 |  |
A2019-13 | Appendix 10, points 3.7.1, 3.7.2, 3.7.3, 3.8.4 and 3.8.5 | No instructions for replacing brake blocks on double brake block holders are provided in Appendix 10, Part B, Chapter 3.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2019
End of voting period:30.09.2019
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2019
Entering into force:01.01.2020 |

A2019-14 | Appendix 11, point 7.9 | Obsolescence of the "U parts" system and corresponding amendment to be made to GCU Appendix 10
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2019
End of voting period:30.09.2019
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2019
Entering into force:01.01.2020 |

A2019-15 | Appendix 9, Annex 1, codes 5.1.1 and | Positioning of buffer heads with plastic inserts
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2019
End of voting period:30.09.2019
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2019
Entering into force:01.01.2020 |

A2019-16 | Appendix 9, Annex 1, new code 7.5.7 | There is currently no code for cases whereby the ILU frame is visibly broken and stability is endangered. By incorporating a code, a uniform coding structure is possible.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2019
End of voting period:30.09.2019
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2019
Entering into force:01.01.2020 |

A2019-17 | Appendix 9, Annex 1, code 7.7.5 | Amendment of GCU Appendix 9, Annex 1, Point 7.7.5 in accordance with the amendments to Loading Guidelines 9.4 Volume 2 agreed by the group, namely:
The provision for semi-trailer underrun bumpers not being raised/pushed up is not applicable for recess wagons type 1 and 2 and in the case of wagons marked with one of the following compatibility codes: a, b, c or d
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2019
End of voting period:30.09.2019
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2019
Entering into force:01.01.2020 |

A2019-18 | Appendix 9, Annex 1, Codes up to and including | Code must be altered as it is not consistent with RID 2019.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2019
End of voting period:30.09.2019
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2019
Entering into force:01.01.2020 |

A2019-19 | Appendix 14, Section 1.2 | Handling and storage of wheelsets in axle-changing facilities
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2019
End of voting period:30.09.2019
Adoption of Proposal:majority
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2019
Entering into force:01.04.2020 |

A2019-20 | Appendix 8 | Correction and update of internal regulation
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2019
End of voting period:30.09.2019
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2019
Entering into force:01.01.2020 |

A2018-01 | new App. 16,
Art. 7.4,
App. 1 | The technical vehicle data is the data for rail-way operations and must be provided by the relevant keeper. Supplying this information is the responsibility of the keeper.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2018
End of voting period:30.09.2018
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:01.10.2018
Entering into force:01.01.2019 |

A2018-02 | new App. 15,
App. 1 | The task of maintaining wagons such that they are fit for service falls to the "Entity in Charge of Maintenance" (ECM). In order to meet these obligations, ECMs require information on the operation of the wagons they maintain. It is the responsibility of the RU which has the wagon in its custody to supply such information.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2018
End of voting period:30.09.2018
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:01.10.2018
Entering into force:01.01.2019 |

A2018-03 | App. 4 | The wagon damage report (Appendix 4) compiled by the RU is to be prepared in digital format, namely PDF or XML. This is vital in order for better data administration.
Appendix 4 needs to be amended to enable standardised digital data transmission, whilst maintaining the prescribed format and content.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2018
End of voting period:30.09.2018
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:30.09.2018
Entering into force:01.01.2019 |

A2018-04 | App. 7 | Update of Appendix 7, parts B and C resulting in the removal of the obsolete term "U parts" from the appendix and the addition of a consolidated list of spare parts.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2018
End of voting period:30.09.2018
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:30.09.2018
Entering into force:01.01.2019 |

A2018-05 | App. 9 | Irregularities on buffer heads, including plastic inserts.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2018
End of voting period:30.09.2018
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:30.09.2018
Entering into force:01.01.2019 |

A2018-06 | App. 9 | Amendments to codes and are necessary since the RID 2017 has evolved as far as test dates are concerned (
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2018
End of voting period:30.09.2018
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:30.09.2018
Entering into force:01.01.2019 |

A2018-07 | App. 9 | Amendment of overload procedure in accordance with EN 15313-2016
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2018
End of voting period:30.09.2018
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:30.09.2018
Entering into force:01.01.2019 |

A2018-08 | App. 9 | Introduction of code
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2018
End of voting period:30.09.2018
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:30.09.2018
Entering into force:01.01.2019 |

A2018-09 | App. 9 | Change of defect category 4 to defect category 5
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2018
End of voting period:30.09.2018
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:30.09.2018
Entering into force:01.01.2019 |

A2018-10 | App. 9 | Precision regarding locking doors of load units (ILUs) - code 7.5.2
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2018
End of voting period:30.09.2018
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:30.09.2018
Entering into force:01.01.2019 |

A2018-11 | App. 10 | Adaptation of the principles of Chapter A
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2018
End of voting period:30.09.2018
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:30.09.2018
Entering into force:01.01.2019 |

A2018-12 | App. 10 | Inclusion in Appendix 10 of the points relating to cracks on the wheel tread described in EN 15313
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2018
End of voting period:30.09.2018
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:30.09.2018
Entering into force:01.01.2019 |

A2018-13 | App. 10 | The amendment will provide an indication of how to handle the wagon in order to remove traces of thermal overload and monitor the status of the brake system.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2018
End of voting period:30.09.2018
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:30.09.2018
Entering into force:01.01.2019 |

A2018-14 | App. 10 | Introduction of axle generators and pumps to be mounted onto components' axles, establishing a connection with the vehicle underframe. The new point aims to describe the mode of operation to be used for such axles.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2018
End of voting period:30.09.2018
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:30.09.2018
Entering into force:01.01.2019 |

A2018-15 | App. 10 | Adjustments to be made after replacement of brake blocks or wheelsets in accordance with UIC Leaflet 543-1.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2018
End of voting period:30.09.2018
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:30.09.2018
Entering into force:01.01.2019 |

A2018-16 | App. 10 | Deletion of * in points 6.28 to 6.38 of Chapter A of Appendix 10
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2018
End of voting period:30.09.2018
Adoption of Proposal:not adopted
Notification re-adoption sent:30.09.2018
Entering into force: |

A2018-17 | App. 10 | Updating Chapter B (dealing with wagons after specific incidents) with integration of standard EN 15313:2016
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2018
End of voting period:30.09.2018
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:30.09.2018
Entering into force:01.01.2019 |

A2018-18 | App. 10 | Editorial aspects of Annex 4 have been revised and additional sample images added
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2018
End of voting period:30.09.2018
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:30.09.2018
Entering into force:01.01.2019 |

A2018-19 | App. 11 | Description of holding force on wagons equipped with screw brakes in accordance with UIC Leaflet 545, point 4.2.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2018
End of voting period:30.09.2018
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:30.09.2018
Entering into force:01.01.2019 |

A2018-20 | App. 14 - Part B | The advantages of the new Part B of Appendix 14: clarity, precision, harmonisation, standardisation, elimination of elements that are out of date.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2018
End of voting period:30.09.2018
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:30.09.2018
Entering into force:01.01.2019 |

A2018-21 | App. 10 | Corrective maintenance of RID tank wagons.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2018
End of voting period:30.09.2018
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:30.09.2018
Entering into force:01.01.2019Corrective maintenance of RID tank wagons.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2018
End of voting period:30.09.2018
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:30.09.2018
Entering into force:01.01.2019 |

A2018-22 | App. 9 | Adjustment of code 1.8.3, in and
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2018
End of voting period:30.09.2018
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:30.09.2018
Entering into force:01.01.2019 |

A2018-23 | Art. 19 | In order to realise the objectives aimed for by the ECM Regulation/Annex A to Appendix G to the 1999 COTIF within the scope of the GCU, some passages of the GCU must be adjusted and new definitions incorporated. The proposed amendments create a set of unambiguous GCU provisions for the vehicle fleet maintenance management and maintenance delivery functions.
Amendment proposal sent:10.08.2018
End of voting period:10.11.2018
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:21.11.2018
Entering into force:01.07.2019 |

A2017-01 | Appendix 2 & 11 | In Appendix 11 point 4.2, a measure is provided for under Remark 2. This remark can be deleted from Appendix 11 because Appendix 11 contains a description of the markings and signs on wagons, not actions to be taken.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2017
End of voting period:30.09.2017
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:03-10-2017
Entering into force:01-01-2018 |

A2017-02 | Appendix 9 | Define what is meant in Appendix 9 by "Detach wagon" as an action to be taken in a separate point 3.2.5 / 3.2.6, Action to be taken "Detach wagon", column (4); Definition".
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2017
End of voting period:30.09.2017
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:03-10-2017
Entering into force:01-01-2018 |

A2017-03 | Appendix 11 | Add a marking on wagons with screw brakes to indicate the holding force available, as stipulated by UIC Leaflet 545, point 4.2.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2017
End of voting period:30.09.2017
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:03-10-2017
Entering into force:01-01-2018 |

A2017-04 | Appendix 9 | New code 1.8.4: Hard manganese wear plate on axle box
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2017
End of voting period:30.09.2017
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:03-10-2017
Entering into force:01-01-2018 |

A2017-05 | Appendix 9 | Adapt wording of Annex 8, point 4 as regards the use of derailment detectors.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2017
End of voting period:30.09.2017
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:03-10-2017
Entering into force:01-01-2018 |

A2017-06 | Appendix 9 | Under Code, the action to be taken should be to affix a "K" label and rectify the problem. Code should then foresee the further action "detach wagon" in cases where rectification is not possible. Merely affixing a "K" label is not sufficient for this defect.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2017
End of voting period:30.09.2017
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:03-10-2017
Entering into force:01-01-2018 |

A2017-07 | Appendix 9 | The action to be taken and the defect category under Code 5.9.1 both need to be modified since a long-stroke damper which is off-centre can foul the loading gauge.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2017
End of voting period:30.09.2017
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:03-10-2017
Entering into force:01-01-2018 |

A2017-08 | Appendix 11 | GCU Appendix 11 currently contains only one warning sign for high voltage (a lightning flash). This amendment proposes to include in GCU Appendix 11 the other warning sign for high voltage, as set out in DIN EN 15877-1:2012-12.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2017
End of voting period:30.09.2017
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:03-10-2017
Entering into force:01-01-2018 |

A2017-09 | Appendix 9 | In order to reduce noise, various train formation yards with gravity humps apply friction modifiers to the inner and outer faces of the wagon wheel. The application of such products is not a reason to detach wagons, and should be included under Code 1.3.7 as an exception.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2017
End of voting period:30.09.2017
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:03-10-2017
Entering into force:01-01-2018 |

A2017-10 | Appendix 9 | Annex 1, code 8.1: additional handling of the wagon following irregularities in operations: No need for a three-point measurement of the wheelset on wagons having sustained an "abnormal buffering shock" (irregularities in operations).
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2017
End of voting period:30.09.2017
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:03-10-2017
Entering into force:01-01-2018 |

A2017-11 | Appendix 11 | A specific marking/pictogram is required on railway recess wagons suitable to carry semi-trailers with steering wedges.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2017
End of voting period:30.09.2017
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:03-10-2017
Entering into force:01-01-2018 |

A2017-12 | Appendix 9 | Adapt the wording of points 1.2 and 4.4, "Planning of tests". In the context of multilateral RU-RU relations and the further enhancement of the QMS, the wording of Appendix 9, points 1.2 and 4.4 (main text on QMS) needs to be revised.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2017
End of voting period:30.09.2017
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:03-10-2017
Entering into force:01-01-2018 |

A2017-13 | Appendix 9 | Addition concerning removable wagon components: trestle locking device
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2017
End of voting period:30.09.2017
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:03-10-2017
Entering into force:01-01-2018 |

A2017-14 | Appendix 10, Art 3.20 | Broken or missing brake release pulls are to be replaced.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2017
End of voting period:30.09.2017
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:03-10-2017
Entering into force:01-01-2018 |

A2017-15 | Appendix 7, Part B | Remove the outmoded term "U part" and insert a list of standard spare parts
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2017
End of voting period:30.09.2017
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:03-10-2017
Entering into force:01-01-2018 |

A2017-16 | Appendix 7, Model HR | Adjust Form HR in line with the new Appendix 10
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2017
End of voting period:30.09.2017
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:03-10-2017
Entering into force:01-01-2018 |

A2017-17 | Appendix 10, Art 4.14 | Adapt the provisions on damage to side bearers and, in particular, their fastening, in line with the new Appendix 9
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2017
End of voting period:30.09.2017
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:03-10-2017
Entering into force:01-01-2018 |

A2017-18 | Appendix 10, 1.6.1, 1.6.2 and 1.18 | Ensure that the rules governing composite brake blocks (LL) are applied to wheelsets on wagons fitted with LL blocks during every trip to the workshop.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2017
End of voting period:30.09.2017
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:03-10-2017
Entering into force:01-01-2018 |

A2017-19 | Appendix 10, Chapter C | Align "Chapter C - Preventive maintenance" with (EU) Regulation 445/2011
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2017
End of voting period:30.09.2017
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:03-10-2017
Entering into force:01-01-2018 |

A2017-20 | Appendix 10, Annex 3, Art 2.2 | Since EN 473 ceased to apply on 1.3.2013, the current reference should be replaced by a reference to EN ISO 9712.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2017
End of voting period:30.09.2017
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:03-10-2017
Entering into force:01-01-2018 |

A2017-21 | Appendix 6 & Article 23.2 | Amendment of Appendix 6 and to propose a compensation payment of 350€.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2017
End of voting period:30.09.2017
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:03-10-2017
Entering into force:01-01-2018 |

A2017-22 | Appendix 8 | Overhault of Appendix 8
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2017
End of voting period:30.09.2017
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:03-10-2017
Entering into force:01-01-2018 |

A2016-01 | Article 15.2 | The current article 15 does not reflect the obligations and measures provided for by the TAF TSI.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2016
End of voting period:30.09.2016
Adoption of Proposal:majority
Notification re-adoption sent:09.10.2016
Entering into force:01.04.2017 |

A2016-02 | Article 27
Article 7 | The current Article 27 is incomplete as regards the determination of fault. The basis of keeper liability is not explicitly stated.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2016
End of voting period:30.09.2016
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:09.10.2016
Entering into force:01.01.2017 |

A2016-03 | Appendix 9 code | Add a code to Appendix 9, Annex 1, stipulating the need for a vehicle keeper marking, as provided for by EN 15877-1 (2012).
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2016
End of voting period:30.09.2016
Adoption of Proposal:majority
Notification re-adoption sent:09.10.2016
Entering into force:01.01.2017 |

A2016-04 | Appendix 9 code and | Adjustment of the action to be taken for codes and For RID loads, unscrewing the emergency control device is not an acceptable remedy for reasons of occupational safety.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2016
End of voting period:30.09.2016
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:09.10.2016
Entering into force:01.01.2017 |

A2016-05 | Appendix 9 code 6.7.6 | Change the term "Anti-crash element" to the broader "Anti-crash system" – code 6.7.6
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2016
End of voting period:30.09.2016
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:09.10.2016
Entering into force:01.01.2017 |

A2016-06 | Appendix 9 code 6.7.1 | Modify code 6.7.1 : Better description of defects securing ILU with specific codes for trestles and pigots
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2016
End of voting period:30.09.2016
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:09.10.2016
Entering into force:01.01.2017 |

A2016-07 | Appendix 10 Art 1.35 | Article 1.35 of Appendix 10 clarifies what information must be entered on Form Hr when an axle is replaced. The new Form Hr will require information on the diameters of the axles on the wagon. This clarification must be entered under point 1.35. Furthermore, it appears necessary to clarify that the diameter "B" to be entered on Form Hr is a measured value and not a nominal diameter.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2016
End of voting period:30.09.2016
Adoption of Proposal:majority
Notification re-adoption sent:09.10.2016
Entering into force:01.04.2017 |

A2016-08 | Appendix 10 Annex 3 chap B point 2.1 | Traceability of EVIC inspection
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2016
End of voting period:30.09.2016
Adoption of Proposal:majority
Notification re-adoption sent:09.10.2016
Entering into force:01.04.2017 |

A2016-09 | Appendix 10 section 6 | Bring together all text dealing with handrails and steps in section 6: Vehicle body.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2016
End of voting period:30.09.2016
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:09.10.2016
Entering into force:01.01.2017 |

A2016-10 | Appendix 10 point 5.9.1 | Align point 5.9 with the tolerance values in Appendix 9, point Appendix 10 currently does not indicate the permitted dimensions for grooves.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2016
End of voting period:30.09.2016
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:09.10.2016
Entering into force:01.01.2017 |

A2016-11 | Appendix 10 point 5.9.2 | Appendix 10 currently does not indicate the permitted dimensions for grooves on buffer plates with wear pads.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2016
End of voting period:30.09.2016
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:09.10.2016
Entering into force:01.01.2017 |

A2016-12 | Appendix 10 point 5.13 | Define limit value for play between chain link and screw.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2016
End of voting period:30.09.2016
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:09.10.2016
Entering into force:01.01.2017 |

A2016-13 | Appendix 10 point 5.14.1 | Include concept of greasing screw couplers.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2016
End of voting period:30.09.2016
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:09.10.2016
Entering into force:01.01.2017 |

A2016-14 | Appendix 7 | Add code 1.8.4 to Form Hr as a reason for withdrawal from service.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2016
End of voting period:30.09.2016
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:09.10.2016
Entering into force:01.01.2017 |

A2016-15 | Appendix 10 point 3.6 | No description of the method to be used to get rid of the problem of protruding blocks.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2016
End of voting period:30.09.2016
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:09.10.2016
Entering into force:01.01.2017 |

A2016-16 | Art 34 | Article 34: Languages
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2016
End of voting period:30.09.2016
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:09.10.2016
Entering into force:01.01.2017 |

A2016-17 | Appendix 9 codes 6.5.5.x and 7.6.4.x | Adjustment of codes 6.5.5.x and 7.6.4.x in line with UIC Leaflet 471-3
Amendment proposal sent:01.07.2016
End of voting period:01.10.2016
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:09.10.2016
Entering into force:01.01.2017 |

A2015-01 | App. 4 | New Wagon Damage Report
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2015
End of voting period:30.09.2015
Adoption of Proposal:majority
Notification re-adoption sent:07.10.2015
Entering into force:01.04.2016 |

A2015-02 | App. 9 | Clarification of grooves, furrows/hollows and false flanges
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2015
End of voting period:30.09.2015
Adoption of Proposal:unanimity
Notification re-adoption sent:07.10.2015
Entering into force:01.01.2016 |

A2015-03 | App. 9 | Codes 5.6.1 Clarification of action to be taken
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2015
End of voting period:30.09.2015
Adoption of Proposal:unanimity
Notification re-adoption sent:07.10.2015
Entering into force:01.01.2016 |

A2015-04 | App. 9 | Entry of a new fault code for derailment detectors, codes to
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2015
End of voting period:30.09.2015
Adoption of Proposal:unanimity
Notification re-adoption sent:07.10.2015
Entering into force:01.01.2016 |

A2015-05 | App. 9 | Proposal for defining the point 2.3, Appendix 9 "Minimum required skills for inspectors"
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2015
End of voting period:30.09.2015
Adoption of Proposal:unanimity
Notification re-adoption sent:07.10.2015
Entering into force:01.01.2016 |

A2015-06 | App. 9 | Change of point 4 of Checklist: expired period and point 3 of Checklist: irregularities in operations in Appendix 9
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2015
End of voting period:30.09.2015
Adoption of Proposal:unanimity
Notification re-adoption sent:07.10.2015
Entering into force:01.01.2016 |

A2015-07 | App. 9 | Change of Point 1 of checklists (Appendix 9)
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2015
End of voting period:30.09.2015
Adoption of Proposal:unanimity
Notification re-adoption sent:07.10.2015
Entering into force:01.01.2016 |

A2015-08 | App. 11 | Clarify "CT" marking in Appendix 11
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2015
End of voting period:30.09.2015
Adoption of Proposal:unanimity
Notification re-adoption sent:07.10.2015
Entering into force:01.01.2016 |

A2015-09 | App. 11 | Request for modification of markings – use of composite brake blocks
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2015
End of voting period:30.09.2015
Adoption of Proposal:unanimity
Notification re-adoption sent:07.10.2015
Entering into force:01.01.2016 |

A2015-10 | App. 11 | Creating of marking: 5.14 Appendix 11
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2015
End of voting period:30.09.2015
Adoption of Proposal:majority
Notification re-adoption sent:07.10.2015
Entering into force:01.04.2016 |

A2015-11 | App. 9 | Code adaptation 1.3.3. and 1.3.5 in conformity to EN 15313
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2015
End of voting period:30.09.2015
Adoption of Proposal:unanimity
Notification re-adoption sent:07.10.2015
Entering into force:01.01.2016 |

A2015-12 | App. 10 | Change of Art. 1.6: upper limit regarding wheel flats
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2015
End of voting period:30.09.2015
Adoption of Proposal:unanimity
Notification re-adoption sent:07.10.2015
Entering into force:01.01.2016 |

A2015-13 | Art. 14.2 | Legal basis for using empty wagon conveyance documents in electronic format
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2015
End of voting period:30.09.2015
Adoption of Proposal:unanimity
Notification re-adoption sent:07.10.2015
Entering into force:01.01.2016 |

A2015-14 | App. 7 | Revision of Appendix 7
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2015
End of voting period:30.09.2015
Adoption of Proposal:unanimity
Notification re-adoption sent:07.10.2015
Entering into force:01.01.2016 |

A2014-01 | Article 17 | Acceptance from wagons from third parties
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2014
End of voting period:30.09.2014
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:11.10.2014
Entering into force:01.01.2015 |

A2014-02 | Article 19.5 | Clarification "approved workshop & staff"
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2014
End of voting period:30.09.2014
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:11.10.2014
Entering into force:01.01.2015 |

A2014-03 | Appendix 1 | Information to be provided by signatories
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2014
End of voting period:30.09.2014
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:11.10.2014
Entering into force:01.01.2015 |

A2014-04 | Appendix 9 | Modification of annex 1: Clarification of three point measurement
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2014
End of voting period:30.09.2014
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:11.10.2014
Entering into force:01.01.2015 |

A2014-05 | Appendix 9 | Annex 1: Procedure for thermal overload on wheel sets Annex 8 point 3
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2014
End of voting period:30.09.2014
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:11.10.2014
Entering into force:01.01.2015 |

A2014-06 | Appendix 9 | Modification of Annex 1: No. 6.1.2 Overhaul
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2014
End of voting period:30.09.2014
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:11.10.2014
Entering into force:01.01.2015 |

A2014-07 | Appendix 9 | Modification of Annex 1: No. action to be taken
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2014
End of voting period:30.09.2014
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:11.10.2014
Entering into force:01.01.2015 |

A2014-08 | Appendix 10 | New Article 3.8.3 (Composite brake blocks)
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2014
End of voting period:30.09.2014
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:11.10.2014
Entering into force:01.01.2015 |

A2014-09 | App 10
new annex 6 | Coding list for interventions
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2014
End of voting period:30.09.2014
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:11.10.2014
Entering into force:01.01.2015 |

A2014-10 | Article 23 | Compensation on damaged wheel sets
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2014
End of voting period:30.09.2014
Adoption of Proposal:not adopted
Notification re-adoption sent:11.10.2014
Entering into force:--- |

A2014-11 | Appendix 9 | Modification of Annex 1: codes 3.2.4 - 3.2.6: integration of disc brakes
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2014
End of voting period:30.09.2014
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:11.10.2014
Entering into force:01.01.2015 |

A2014-12 | Appendix 9 | Modification of Annex 1: Modification of chapters 6 and 7 incl. ILE
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2014
End of voting period:30.09.2014
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:11.10.2014
Entering into force:01.01.2015 |

A2014-13 | Appendix 9 | Modification of Annex 1: Build-up of metal No. 1.3.4
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2014
End of voting period:30.09.2014
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:11.10.2014
Entering into force:01.01.2015 |

A2014-14 | Appendix 10 | Amended annex 3 (EVIC/delete 'reporting')
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2014
End of voting period:30.09.2014
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:11.10.2014
Entering into force:01.01.2015 |

A2014-15 | Appendix 11 | Modification of point 3.2 update to the list with compatibility code 'i'
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2014
End of voting period:30.09.2014
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:11.10.2014
Entering into force:01.01.2015 |

A2013-01 | Appendix 10 Appendix 7 | Instructions to be complied with when recording leaks of lubricant from axle boxes. To assure the traceability of wheelsets it's necessary to introduce the individual number of the wheelset that has to be replaced (Form HR).
Amendment proposal sent:05.03.2013
End of voting period:05.06.2013
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:09.06.2013
Entering into force:01.01.2014 |

A2013-02 | Appendix 10 | Modification of point 3.6 to clarify who receives the results of brake tests
Amendment proposal sent:26.06.2013
End of voting period:26.09.2013
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:29.09.2013
Entering into force:01.01.2014 |

A2013-03 | Appendix 10 | Align text with appendix 9
Amendment proposal sent:26.06.2013
End of voting period:26.09.2013
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:29.09.2013
Entering into force:01.01.2014 |

A2013-04 | Appendix 9 annex 1 | Introduction of new code 4.8.3
Amendment proposal sent:26.06.2013
End of voting period:26.09.2013
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:29.09.2013
Entering into force:01.01.2014 |

A2013-05 | Appendix 9 annex 1 | Improved description of irregularities under codes 5.3.3 and
Amendment proposal sent:26.06.2013
End of voting period:26.09.2013
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:29.09.2013
Entering into force:01.01.2014 |

A2013-06 | Appendix 9 annex 1 | Various modifications in section 6 and 7.
Amendment proposal sent:26.06.2013
End of voting period:26.09.2013
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:29.09.2013
Entering into force:01.01.2014 |

A2013-07 | Appendix 9 annex 1,8 | New action to be taken with code 7.1.2. Illustration of overloaded wheelsets to facilitate understanding.
Amendment proposal sent:26.06.2013
End of voting period:26.09.2013
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:29.09.2013
Entering into force:01.01.2014 |

A2013-08 | Appendix 1 | Add option to specify RUs'/keepers' central billing addresses
Amendment proposal sent:26.06.2013
End of voting period:26.09.2013
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:29.09.2013
Entering into force:01.01.2014 |

A2013-09 | Appendix 14 | Conditions for changing wheelsets at the Franco-Iberian border.
Amendment proposal sent:26.06.2013
End of voting period:26.09.2013
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:29.09.2013
Entering into force:01.01.2014 |

A2013-10 | Article 34 | Use of national languages
Amendment proposal sent:26.06.2013
End of voting period:26.09.2013
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:29.09.2013
Entering into force:01.01.2014 |

A2013-11 | Appendix 5 | Various modifications
Amendment proposal sent:12.07.2013
End of voting period:12.10.2013
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:15.10.2013
Entering into force:01.01.2014 |

A2013-12 | Appendix 9
Appendix 11 | Implementation will necessarily take place due to the mandatory updates to the GCU arising in the light of Commission regulation (EU) No 321/2013
of 13 March 2013 concerning the technical specification for interoperability relating to the subsystem ‘rolling stock — freight wagons' of the rail system in the European Union.
Amendment proposal sent:03.12.2013
End of voting period:03.03.2014
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:05.03.2014
Entering into force:05.06.2014 |

(set of 7 amendments) | Mandatory technical condition of wagons for reciprocal handover between two or more railway undertakings (RUs) | |
A2012-1.1 | Appendix 9 | Proposal 1
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2012
End of voting period:30.09.2012
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2012
Entering into force:01.01.2013 |  |
A2012-1.2 | Appendix 9 | Proposal 2
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2012
End of voting period:30.09.2012
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2012
Entering into force:01.01.2013 |  |
A2012-1.3 | Appendix 9 | Proposal 3
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2012
End of voting period:30.09.2012
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2012
Entering into force:01.01.2013 |  |
A2012-1.4 | Appendix 9 | Proposal 4
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2012
End of voting period:30.09.2012
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2012
Entering into force:01.01.2013 |  |
A2012-1.5 | Appendix 9 | Proposal 5
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2012
End of voting period:30.09.2012
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2012
Entering into force:01.01.2013 |  |
A2012-1.6 | Appendix 9 | Proposal 6
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2012
End of voting period:30.09.2012
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2012
Entering into force:01.01.2013 |  |
A2012-2 | Appendix 11 Appendix 14 | Mandatory technical condition of wagons for reciprocal handover between two or more railway undertakings (RUs) - Proposal 7 Transfer of annex 1 to 3 of appendix 11 to the new appendix 14
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2012
End of voting period:30.09.2012
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2012
Entering into force:01.01.2013 |   |
A2012-3 | Appendix 10 | Full revision of the Appendix 10 : alignment of French and German versions, and modifications prepared by the Maintenance WG, in particular the addition of an Annex 4 for K blocks.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2012
End of voting period:30.09.2012
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2012
Entering into force:01.01.2013 |  |
A2012-4 | Appendix 3 | New CUV wagon note template for combined transport
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2012
End of voting period:30.09.2012
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2012
Entering into force:01.01.2013 |  |
A2012-5 | Article 14 Appendix 3 | Addition of the conditions of conveyance of empty wagons, especially in case of extraordinary events
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2012
End of voting period:30.09.2012
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2012
Entering into force:01.01.2013 |  |
A2012-6 | Article 3 Article 5 | Monthly publication of the GCU-admissions or terminations
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2012
End of voting period:30.09.2012
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2012
Entering into force:01.01.2013 |  |
A2012-7 | Article 19 Article 22 | The cost of repair below which the agreement of the Keeper is not required, increases from 750 € to 850 €.
Amendment proposal sent:30.06.2012
End of voting period:30.09.2012
Adoption of Proposal:majority
Notification re-adoption sent:06.10.2012
Entering into force:01.04.2013 |  |
A2012-8 | Article 7 | Binding communication of technical documentation and instructions for new and transformed wagons
Amendment proposal sent:06.08.2012
End of voting period:06.11.2012
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:10.11.2012
Entering into force:01.01.2013 |  |
A2011-4 | App. 9 | Several modifications
Amendment proposal sent:09.08.2011
End of voting period:09.11.2011
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:28.11.2011
Entering into force:01.12.2011 |

A2011-3 | App. 13 Art. 19 | List of small repairs
Amendment proposal sent:13.03.2011
End of voting period:19.06.2011
Adoption of Proposal:majority
Notification re-adoption sent:26.09.2011
Entering into force:01.01.2012 |

A2011-2 | Art. 11 | Additional condition of refusal for a wagon
Amendment proposal sent:13.03.2011
End of voting period:19.06.2011
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:26.09.2011
Entering into force:19.09.2011 |

A2011-1 | App. 7 | Adding codes for the station of delivery
Amendment proposal sent:13.03.2011
End of voting period:19.06.2011
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:26.09.2011
Entering into force:19.09.2011 |

A2010-2 | App. 10 | Introduction of EVIC (new annex 3)
Amendment proposal sent:30.07.2010
End of voting period:30.10.2010
Adoption of Proposal:majority
Notification re-adoption sent:26.11.2010
Entering into force:01.05.2011 |

A2010-1 | App. 8 | Introduction of wagon database
Amendment proposal sent:29.03.2010
End of voting period:29.06.2010
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:30.06.2010
Entering into force:01.10.2010 |

A2009-2 | App. 2 Art. 7/9 | Changes to Chapter II Art. 7 and 9 and Appendix 2
Amendment proposal sent:20.03.2009
End of voting period:20.06.2009
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:13.07.2009
Entering into force:13.10.2009 |

A2009-1 | App. 8 Art. 3 | Changes to Chapter I Art. 3 and Appendix 8
Amendment proposal sent:20.03.2009
End of voting period:20.06.2009
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:13.07.2009
Entering into force:13.10.2009 |

A2008-3 | App. 10 | Corrective and preventive maintenance
Amendment proposal sent:07.07.2008
End of voting period:07.10.2008
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:16.03.2009
Entering into force:16.06.2009 |

A2008-2 | App. 11 | Inscriptions and signs on wagons
Amendment proposal sent:24.04.2008
End of voting period:24.07.2008
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:16.03.2009
Entering into force:16.06.2009 |

A2008-1 | App. 9 | Conditions for the technical transfer inspection of wagons
Amendment proposal sent:21.04.2008
End of voting period:21.07.2008
Adoption of Proposal:unanimous
Notification re-adoption sent:16.03.2009
Entering into force:16.06.2009 |  |
| | Original Version of GCU | |